CCFR has been helping to plant and build churches in Romania for many years.
These are a few of the most recent projects.

Praise the Lord for the following church buildings:
These represent some of the church planting projects CCFR has been a part of in the past few years. Much fruit has come when men and women work together to bring the Good News of the gospel to their towns.

Garbovat church,

the building almost fully complete.

The Rock Church of Motru,

the building is over 90 percent completed and fully used by the church. The heating system is still not in.

The River of Life Church of Orsova,

the building is over 50 percent finished but mainly used by the church.

Moldoveni Living water Church,

is fully completed inside and mostly used by the church but still needs outside finishing work and pavements.

Boranesti Gypsy town Church,

here a home is being purchased and fully modified and remolded, the church already worships in it.

Cornita Church,

the building is just finished.

Desa Pentecostal Church,

the building is progressing, but still a permanent roof and final works is to be done.

Bralostita, Mount Horeb Church,

the building is mainly completed.

Vasad, Light on the Mountain Church,

was recently planted and the building completed. It was a miracle church growth and built right on the border of Hungary

All of these churches were first started, gathered in open places and in homes until they found a permanent place to worship the Lord.

These above churches and their mother churches are continuing to reach out to other towns where no church existed. This becomes a second step after the first step of evangelism outreaches that starts to turn a town from down side into the upside position to receive Christ.